Book #6.5: A Stephen
King Novel
Stephen King is perhaps one of the
most prolific novelists of modern time. While some may criticize his efforts
(any literature buff has heard about his feud with James Patterson), one cannot
deny that he has a talent telling stories that appeal to and thrill the masses.
It is no wonder that Lorelai and Rory reference Stephen King numerous times
throughout the series. The very first reference comes in the pilot episode when
Lorelei says “There are several scenes from a Stephen King novel I’d reenact
before I’d resort to that option!"
in reference to borrowing money from her
parents. Now, because Lorelai did not mention a specific novel, I decided to
choose one from my personal library that I had not read before: Joyland.
I would not say I am well versed in
the world of Stephen King. I have read the classics that are The Shining and Carrie as well as his memoir On
Writing. So I viewed this time as to read a book that I had lying around,
but one I was also interested in. I won’t go into a lot of
detail about this
specific book because this was just a brief reference so this will tide us over
until my next post.
- King is known for horror, but he doesn’t use
cheap thrills to tell his stories or make them scary. His stories are subtly
scary because they are allegories for real life. Joyland, for example, is not just about a serial killer or a
haunted amusement park ride. It is a story about growing up and facing the
hardships life deals you.
King’s memoir On Writing is actually
one of my favorite books. As someone who dreams about writing a novel one day,
it was valuable to read how one of
the world’s most successful writers
struggled at first. Success does not necessarily come easy. It takes work and
rejection often comes first. I also like to read how he approaches writing and
where his inspiration comes from.
of Stephen King’s novels are on this Book Challenge. I am excited to read them
and really delve into King’s motivation behind these stories.
Author Picture:
Joyland Cover:
On Writing Cover
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