Saturday, January 14, 2017

Book #8: The Little Match Girl by Hans Christian Anderson

Can you say most depressing children’s story every? In all honesty, it is going to take a lot of effort to say something positive about this story. Not only was the ending of the story heartbreaking, but the entire concept of the story would give any child nightmares if someone read this to them before bed. It was not the story I needed to read during this dreary time of yea, especially in light of some recent experiences. I suppose I should have been prepared for the dismal tone since Rory did name-drop the story in a negative context.
            To set the scene: Lorelai and Rory are outside of Richard and Emily’s house for the first ever Friday Night Dinner. The two are hesitant to enter, especially Lorelai, and Rory breaks the tension by saying, “The Little Match Girl?” It does not help that the two of them are in the midst of a fight (over Dean) as well. Therefore, any book that Rory brings up within these specific circumstances would probably be a depressing one.
o we go in or do we just stand here reenacting
            As I read Hans Christian Anderson’s classic fairy tale, I was unnerved by how he referred to the main character. For the record, she was referred to as the “poor little girl” (twice), “poor little thing” (twice), and “little maiden” (four times). For a barely three page story, this is a lot of space towards negatively describing a little girl. Just give her a name! Don’t just talk down to her, give her a personality too! I guess that is a lot to ask for a three page story. Maybe I just need to write a reimagining of this story, but then it would change into something different.
            What kind of fairy tale ends with the main character, an innocent little girl, freezing to death? I know you could twist this ending to seem happy: that the poor little girl is now celebrating a happy Christmas with her loving grandmother in heaven. But it is still extremely depressing! I am sure my feeling have come across very clear here. I know many fairy tales originate in twisted dark stories, but thank goodness Disney did not decide to make a movie about this one!

Only one book left for the pilot episode! At this rate, it might take me a few years to get through all the books, but it should be a fun journey!

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